We All Have Choice in Life

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"I just do it cos I got no choice."

This probably is the saddest story I've ever heard. Yes, the saddest. Imagine how can a person with complete set of arms, both capable legs, and five seamlessly functioning senses utter such words with full of despair, as if he can't really do anything to improve his life.

We hear this often when someone has a job he doesn't really like, or maybe someone can't get out of an unhealthy relationship. But as much as they feel that life controls them, that every decision they have is always residual, I beg to disagree!

It's necessary for all of us to realize that the moment we we're born in this universe, we were given such a powerful gift that we call freewill. This is our birthright. It's our power to think, to say and to do anything without any constraint. What you are today is not fate. What you are speaks so much how you used your freewill.

However not everyone uses it up to its maximum capacity and still some of us settle for a worse life.

Why Some Can't Leverage Freewill
Can't is such an imaginary term. Of course everyone of us can use it but some choose not to. Here are some of the reasons:

     ✥ They don't wanna admit that they chose the worst decision. Actually, these people had other choices but it happened that they chose the worst decision. "I got no choice" is another way of saying "I had better options than this but I chose the wrong one." It's a regret in denial. And usually these people aren't too brave enough to embrace their mistakes. 

     ✥ They enjoy being a couch potato. Harsh but true, these people are lazy. They hate to persevere and to stretch their bones sometimes. A person might say "I hate my job. I just got no choice." He implies that he doesn't want to take actions to find another job which is way better, which is something he's more passionate about. Businesses are everywhere and for sure there are tons of better job opportunities. We just have to open our eyes, search and take actions.

     ✥ They might lose something/someone. Let me tell you a cliche story. There was this married man who is constantly cheating on his wife; aside from that, he beats her. He's always drunk. In other words, their marriage wasn't that successful. She always cries and suffers bruises on her face and her friends are suggesting to get out of that unhealthy relationship but she always responds "I got no choice. We have kids and I can't support them on my own." If her reason of staying is just the support for her kids and she doesn't like to find ways to make a living, good job. Yes, that's the best decision. But if she constantly complains of the emotional and physical pain she's experiencing, she has a freewill to leave her husband. She has a choice to be happy and free from violence. She can stand up and show superiority. There are women-related organizations or authorities who can help her. She couldn't see those choices because she has convinced herself that she's weak, she's inferior and she can't feed her kids.

Embrace Your Mistake and CREATE a Choice
You might say, "Oh come on Josh, go ahead and give at least 3 alternatives and prove that I have a choice." or you might tell me "If you're on that kind of situation you'll do the same. You can say that easily because you're not in that situation." Exactly. I'm not in that situation and I wouldn't choose to be in that kind of situation. EVER. Cos I have a freewill. Or probably, if I'm really trapped in that kind of situation, I will never ever utter that I got no choice. Instead we shall learn to just embrace our mistakes, we shall stand up and seek for a solution.

I don't know  you personally but if there is someone who knows those alternatives you have, it's YOU. Whatever problem you feel cages you, always remember that you have the most powerful gift in this world. You have the freewill.

You are the Architect of Your Own Life
I want you to know that you are the architect of your own life. You design it to be wonderful, beautiful and prosperous. There is still something that you can do to improve your life.

Some of us want a happier and better life but we have to realize that a happy life is not handed to us. We choose and create it. We create our own success. We create your own failures. But either way, life is still beautiful.

Josh Diaz is the founder of Project Positive. He passionately writes blogs and hosts podcasts about personal development. Aside from being a blogger, he is also fond of postcards. He'll more than happy to trade a piece of advice for a piece of postcard.