The Sweet Rewards of Failure

It's quite unfortunate how the elders taught us the concept of failure. Often, the people whom we love the most are the same people who discourage and taught us the negative connotation of failure.

"Failure hurts. Stop when you fail! You're just wasting your time and effort. You can't achieve it.  It just means that dream is not yours."

"I told you not to try. Look what you got."

People mock us when we fail. We hear their criticisms and we're afraid to try because of what they might say. People shape our minds that life is just about winning, so if you're not sure about winning, don't try. We are restrained by that myth.

How can we not think that failure is a bad thing if in school it is also taught? We were defined by letters A-F. We need to get high grades and we often forget the learning part. We don't want to be the lowest in our exam. We feel stupid if we have the most number of mistakes in class.

The Rewards that We Can Get From Failure

It's important for us to realize that failure is necessary for us to grow. However, some people can't see it that way because they do not know the rewards of it. Here are some of the rewards that we can get that we should remember each time we fail:

     ✔ We have the opportunity to start again and we can correct the mistakes that we did.
     ✔ We become more knowledgeable and stronger. Failure is a source of knowledge and strength, it shall never be a source of disappointment and loneliness.
     ✔ Failure teaches us to be more responsible next time.
     ✔ And when we  finally succeeded, we become an inspiration to others. This is the greatest reward that we can get. We can live to inspire, to motivate and to empower and it makes us extraordinary people.

To Fail is to Succeed
The light bulb that we know is a product of failure. Thomas Edison has an incredible fighting spirit. It took him 1,000 unsuccessful attempts but he didn't give up until he succeeded lighting the first bulb. To some, 2 or 3 mistakes are serious and we should already stop, but that was his 1,000th attempt. He's unstoppable!

Jack Ma, the world's richest tech billionaire who has a net worth of $23.7 billion in 2015, was also a product of failure. According to him, when KFC came to China, there were 24 people who applied for the job and only 23 got accepted, and Jack Ma is the only one rejected. Today, he is the owner of the famous e-commerce company Alibaba.

Who wouldn't know Bill Gates? He proudly said that he failed in some subjects and his friend passed in all. He's now an engineer of Microsoft and Bill Gates is the owner of it.

These just prove us that success always starts with failure.

Imagine how successful can we be if we are bold. 

Imagine how successful can we be if we are not afraid to try over and over again. 

Imagine how successful can we be if we are unstoppable.

We are Born to Succeed
We, humans, are unlimited and we have so many potentials but we are trapped by our fear of failure. We stop from being bold. We stop from being ambitious and we settle for little dreams and guess what, we achieve little.

This world is full of negative people who will always remind us that there is no room for failure. This world is full of people who are ready to criticize everyone who will fail. It's scary but always remember that we are more superior than anyone or anything who will block our ways to success.

We'll encounter so many obstacles as we walk towards our dreams. We'll fall so many times and we are REAL LOSERS if we don't get up and continue following our dreams. Every fall is a blessing. It's a new knowledge and it's a training for us. And it can become a powerful tool to eventually realize our aspirations in life..

Josh Diaz is the founder of Project Positive. He passionately writes blogs and hosts podcasts about personal development. Aside from being a blogger, he is also fond of postcards. He'll more than happy to trade a piece of advice for a piece of postcard.