Why is it Important to Voice Out Our Dreams?

personal development

Have you experienced sharing your dreams to a friend and instead of getting moral support, he just doubts its possibility? It’s quite unfortunate that mostly those who doubt our capacities are the same people who are closest to our hearts. As a result, we tend to keep our dreams to ourselves and let them die eventually. We’re afraid to be doubted again, and to be labeled as CRAZY for our dreams.

We always read on every personal development blog to dream big so we can achieve big, but we often disregard the equal importance of voicing it out. Why is it important anways?

It allows us to know who are helpful
We may be ridiculed by some but just remember that this is still a blessing in disguise. It essentially helps us to detect who are the persons relevant to our goals. It’s quite simple. If they doubt you, stay away from them. They’re not helping. That’s the importance of voicing out your dreams. You can know the persons who can give you the support that you need.

Making people aware of your dreams is like asking them if they can be of help. You want to put up your own business. But let’s admit it. It’s easier to go in a business venture with connections. But how can you find connections if you have not been so vocal of your plans? Who knows, some business-minded people are also waiting for someone to partner with – and you’ll definitely meet along the way if you are vocal of your goals.

It helps us to meet our mentors
Let me tell you a short true-to-life story. There was this lady, who came from an underprivileged family. She was selling shirts and a few sweets to finance not just her education, but also her dream of putting up her own empire. What’s so amazing to this lady is she believed profits are not only for needs. She also needed to leverage it and invest to different baskets for BIGGER profits.

Aside from this incredible notion, she’s been so very vocal about her desire to be rich. She screamed how she hated poverty and how hungry she was to earn six figures monthly. Many people doubted her dreams. She was ridiculed. But because of her persistence and strong grip to her dreams, she met her mentor who introduced to her the real estate industry. Now she got so many real properties and her aspiration of earning six figures monthly came true!

Truly she’s an inspiration, isn’t she?

This tells us two things: 1) to dream big; and 2) to have the courage and confidence to voice out our dreams despite knowing some people may ridicule you. Our dreams may be too big for our current resources and knowledge but many people are willing to offer their helping hands to us.  And to be able to find those who can help us, we need to let them know about it.

It gives you a healthy pressure
We are doubted for having enormous dreams. We are ridiculed and the best way to deal it is to prove them wrong! Make it as a healthy pressure. Do your best shot and show them it’s possible. While working on your dreams, always think of them. You should know how to convert these negative people to fuel that will keep you progressing every day.

People might say you’re crazy because your dreams are unrealistic. That’s okay! That just speaks about their mediocrity and that’s the mindset of unsuccessful people. Be bold and vocal about your dreams. Ignore those who doubt, and welcome those who believe in you. We cannot achieve our dreams alone. We need a support system, comrades and mentors who will make it “realistic” and easier to achieve.

The Secret: How to Attract Success (Part 1)

personal development

It has been 3 years since I have seen the documentary called The Secret. It essentially talks about the law of attraction and how it can help us achieve success in different aspects of life. Yes, I am one of those people who were really astounded by that documentary. I was simply blown away. That very same day, my life and way of thinking changed.

Of course I'm still a work-in-process and there are times that I'm covered with fear but the good thing is because of The Secret I'm already conscious about it. I'm conscious how our fears and mindset eat our unlimited potential and how they affect our success.

So What is the Law of Attraction
The law of attraction simply states: what you think is what you become. It also says ask and you shall receive. This is truly a great reminder for everyone who settles to little dreams and goals in life. When we start thinking and aiming for little, we get little and often, even less!

Yes, many of us dream of having our own car. We dream of having a million dollar business. In short, we all want abundance in life. But we never think of it's possibility! Many of us literally just dream without taking any action. There are some points that I would like to emphasize. Why is the law of attraction not working to you. Let me ask you a couple of questions; you dream of abundance but:
     ►  you think it's quite unrealistic because of your current situation (resources, skills, etc)
     ►  you're taking actions but something went wrong, so you stop
     ►  someone tells you it's impossible then you think so too
     ►  you got many enemies
     ►  instead of trying to take actions, you want everything to be planned, to be certain and detailed.

These are what I think the 5 factors, why even though we dream big and we dream of abundance and success, nothing happens. Let's talk about each issue one by one.

Your Dream is Quite Unrealistic
Many people once dreamed of having their own properties, cars and financial abundance but all of a sudden, that POSSIBLE dream dies because they thought it's crazy! They thought it's quite unrealistic. How could they acquire properties if they literally have zero balance in their bank accounts? How would they achieve financial abundance if they currently have low-paying jobs?

To dream is to believe. We are the controllers of our lives and if we question ourselves about it's possibility, it surely is not gonna happen. You have to believe in your dreams, and the law of attraction tells us once we believe and we put our dreams into our system, everything will happen accordingly.

Get attached to your dreams. Think of it everyday and take actions. Rich people were not all born rich. Some of them came from underprivileged family. Some of them don't have a college degree. Many of them had no business connections. But they just believed in their CRAZY dreams and took actions. So whatever financial status you currently have, whether you're a college graduate or not, you can achieve whatever you want if you put faith and actions to it.

You have no excuses! These current inadequacies you have are IRRELEVANT to your success. Always remember that.

Successful people never question themselves.

They just believed and persevered to climb the ladder of success.

And now, they are our leaders. They are now serving millions of people. Jobs are served. Not only we benefit ourselves, but if we become successful, we become great contributors in our nation's economy.

So no matter how unrealistic your goals are, no matter how crazy they are, just continue to believe in yourself. Take actions and you'll succeed. As Steve Jobs said, the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

You're taking actions but something went wrong so you stop
Success is not about winning. The truth is, success only happens after failures, failures, failures failures and many failures. Failures may discourage us but the moment you are thinking to stop, always remember why you started.

As what Truman Capote said "Failure is a condiment that gives success its flavor." Truly nothing is sweeter that success after many failures. Your success speaks so much of your hardships, but despite everything, you stood up and continued your journey.

You failed but succeeded in the end. Imagine how many lives can be touched by your story. You can inspire other people to do the same.

Someone tells you it's impossible so you think so too.
Two points I'd like to emphasize. First, you need to avoid those who are not helping. Stay away from negative people because they are toxic in our dreams. They are highly dangerous. When you hear
any sort of discouragement from them or if they ridicule you because of your CRAZY dream, you have two choices: to believe in them and fail or to stay away from them and succeed.

Why listen to these people? Are they expert? Do they know exactly what you are thinking? They are even mediocre people because they couldn't appreciate BIG dreams. I tell you, those who mock big dreams are the poor. This is the kind of mindset that you would like to avoid.

Second point: know the people who are relevant to you. After expelling the toxic in your life, start connecting with the right people. These people are the ones who motivate and encourage you to continue your road towards your dreams. Start deepening your relationship with your growth friends. It's true that no man is an island. We need someone who can help us. We need a support system.

Continue to Next Part

We All Have Choice in Life


"I just do it cos I got no choice."

This probably is the saddest story I've ever heard. Yes, the saddest. Imagine how can a person with complete set of arms, both capable legs, and five seamlessly functioning senses utter such words with full of despair, as if he can't really do anything to improve his life.

We hear this often when someone has a job he doesn't really like, or maybe someone can't get out of an unhealthy relationship. But as much as they feel that life controls them, that every decision they have is always residual, I beg to disagree!

It's necessary for all of us to realize that the moment we we're born in this universe, we were given such a powerful gift that we call freewill. This is our birthright. It's our power to think, to say and to do anything without any constraint. What you are today is not fate. What you are speaks so much how you used your freewill.

However not everyone uses it up to its maximum capacity and still some of us settle for a worse life.

Why Some Can't Leverage Freewill
Can't is such an imaginary term. Of course everyone of us can use it but some choose not to. Here are some of the reasons:

     ✥ They don't wanna admit that they chose the worst decision. Actually, these people had other choices but it happened that they chose the worst decision. "I got no choice" is another way of saying "I had better options than this but I chose the wrong one." It's a regret in denial. And usually these people aren't too brave enough to embrace their mistakes. 

     ✥ They enjoy being a couch potato. Harsh but true, these people are lazy. They hate to persevere and to stretch their bones sometimes. A person might say "I hate my job. I just got no choice." He implies that he doesn't want to take actions to find another job which is way better, which is something he's more passionate about. Businesses are everywhere and for sure there are tons of better job opportunities. We just have to open our eyes, search and take actions.

     ✥ They might lose something/someone. Let me tell you a cliche story. There was this married man who is constantly cheating on his wife; aside from that, he beats her. He's always drunk. In other words, their marriage wasn't that successful. She always cries and suffers bruises on her face and her friends are suggesting to get out of that unhealthy relationship but she always responds "I got no choice. We have kids and I can't support them on my own." If her reason of staying is just the support for her kids and she doesn't like to find ways to make a living, good job. Yes, that's the best decision. But if she constantly complains of the emotional and physical pain she's experiencing, she has a freewill to leave her husband. She has a choice to be happy and free from violence. She can stand up and show superiority. There are women-related organizations or authorities who can help her. She couldn't see those choices because she has convinced herself that she's weak, she's inferior and she can't feed her kids.

Embrace Your Mistake and CREATE a Choice
You might say, "Oh come on Josh, go ahead and give at least 3 alternatives and prove that I have a choice." or you might tell me "If you're on that kind of situation you'll do the same. You can say that easily because you're not in that situation." Exactly. I'm not in that situation and I wouldn't choose to be in that kind of situation. EVER. Cos I have a freewill. Or probably, if I'm really trapped in that kind of situation, I will never ever utter that I got no choice. Instead we shall learn to just embrace our mistakes, we shall stand up and seek for a solution.

I don't know  you personally but if there is someone who knows those alternatives you have, it's YOU. Whatever problem you feel cages you, always remember that you have the most powerful gift in this world. You have the freewill.

You are the Architect of Your Own Life
I want you to know that you are the architect of your own life. You design it to be wonderful, beautiful and prosperous. There is still something that you can do to improve your life.

Some of us want a happier and better life but we have to realize that a happy life is not handed to us. We choose and create it. We create our own success. We create your own failures. But either way, life is still beautiful.

The Power of Big Dreams

personal development

Many of us settle for little goals and dreams in life. When I was in the university, I was once a victim of this kind of mentality. I always told myself “Why would I dream of getting high grades if I was not born intelligent? I know my capacity, I just can’t.” I settled for little dreams because I believed before that the fall is more painful from a higher place so it’s better to set my expectations lower. The lower I dream, the less painful it is.

Do you agree?


But have you thought of these?
     ► Do you think the airplane is a product of little dreams?
     ► How about the very first launched rocket?
     ► The buildings and skyscrapers around you?
     ► Microsoft and Apple?
     ► The million dollar businesses?
     ► Do you think these people dreamed little?

Absolutely not!

Everything we see around us, the technology that cures and diagnoses different ailments, and the technology that improves different industries and our way of living, they are all products of big dreams. Yes, it might be painful to dream big and fall but always remember success after failures, failures, failures and more failures is STILL the best feeling in this world.

I can’t = I don’t want to
Some people settle for little dreams and they base their dreams on their current abilities and resources. They dream what is currently attainable and possible.

Most likely, an individual who doesn’t come from a business-oriented family wouldn’t dream to build his own empire and earn six figures monthly. Why would he dream it if he doesn’t have enough capital to put up his own business? He doesn’t have business networks and connections. He doesn’t have the skills to be an entrepreneur.

First issue: he doesn’t have the capital. Why not consider obtaining a bank loan or a “friend loan” to support his  business then leverage it eventually. After all, many successful businesses started through bank loans and even up to these days, they continue to obtain loans if necessary to finance their respective ventures.

Second issue is the business networks and connections. The question is: have they considered of stepping outside their house to find business comrades? Definitely they wouldn’t have business networks if they spend most of their times watching TV shows and scrolling their Facebook news feeds. Business networks are not handed to us. We have to voice out our dreams and start finding the right people to partner with.

The third issue is the skills to be an entrepreneur. Why not develop those skills? I’m a firm believer that skills can always be developed and acquired. Attend a seminar instead of attending night parties. Read books which are related to your niche instead of sad stories and news which only give us negative thoughts. Watch free video trainings online instead of a movie marathon. Stop spending your time with nonsense stuff. Educate yourself today. Get hungry for new skills.

You can if you want it!

Small dreams yield to small results
Way back in college, my only goal was to pass my subjects. Having this tiny goal convinced me that I always had time to chill, to use Facebook the whole day, to see movies and to live life to the fullest. And guess what, I failed three of my subjects. Only if I dreamed of getting perfect scores on our exams and challenged myself more, I wouldn’t have failed. I might not literally get perfect scores all the times but I believe I wouldn’t get a failing grade if I just dreamed bigger.

Unleash the giant in you
Dreaming high hurts and I have to agree with that. But dreaming little just to be safe from the pain doesn’t solve the problem. Avoiding the pain is like avoiding the success. Dreaming what you currently can attain will only make us mediocre people. It encourages us to stop learning and acquiring new set of skills that will make us better persons.

Dreaming little wastes our unlimited potential. We are humans, and we can be whoever we want to be only if we believe.

You have to realize that our resources and capabilities today are irrelevant to what we can be tomorrow. Never base your dreams to yourself. Base yourself to your dreams. Be hungry. Take actions and develop yourself on a continuous basis. Don’t be afraid to fall. The road to success has never become easy.

Dream Crazy Dreams!
Know the why, and the how will definitely follow. As what Steve Job said, those people who are crazy enough are the ones who do. Believe, and you’re half way there.

What's the Sign You're Waiting For to Take Actions?

personal development

Have you thought of doing something but you're hesitant to take actions because you're not sure how it would turn out; you're not sure of your decision's validity or you're just afraid to fail? This indecisiveness is usually resolved by some through what they call the "signs." You're waiting for something to show or to occur that will serve as a go-signal  for you to act.

But REALLY, what is that sign that you're waiting for?

The Universal Sign
Actually, there is this universal sign which fits to anyone and to any decision. Whether it is about relationship, job-related, business, anything, there is only one thing that will tell us, "Yes, you have to do it. You're on the right track."

That sign is: the fact that you are waiting for a sign! 

Your subconscious mind tells you "take actions. Do it now, this is what's good for you. Change today for the better." But because of the germs of fears planted by someone in your mind, or maybe by a horrible experience in your life, your inner critic tells you not to do it. You're afraid to fail. You just can't afford to commit another mistake.

Why Are You Waiting for a Sign?
Simple. You're confused because a decision sounds very good, it sounds feasible but at the same time, you tend to look back at those times when you failed and then you start to connect the past to your future. The moment you recall your failures in life, whether consciously or subconsciously, you begin to weigh your options: should I do this or not?

It then branches to what ifs. You over analyze things and your kind of paralyzed. It's quite unfortunate that some tend to focus on the potential failure and dangers of a clearly possible course of action rather than focusing on its success. The more you seek perfectionism, the more your life will be confused and lost.

Never Doubt Your Decision
The moment a decision came to your mind is an evidence of its possibility and success. You wouldn't think of a decision which is illogical. I mean, would it be easy for you to take down a decision if it has so many advantages. Or think of this way, why keep a decision which is defective? Why consider a decision which surely, 100% won't work?

I repeat: the moment it came to your mind is an evidence of its possibility and success.

So why doubt yourself?

Is it because it's risky and there is no certainty that results will favor you? The reality is everything is risky. Every thing is dangerous. This world is full of uncertainties. Instead of thinking what if it fails, why not think what will I do to make this happen? It's just your mindset that pulls you back and hinders you to progress.

The Cost of Being a Risk Averse
Always remember this: there may be risk in doing something, but the cost of your security, the cost of playing it safely, is a regret for a lifetime. Yes, you're safe. Yes, you didn't fail. But you did not experience the wildest loop of life. You are too unlucky for not experiencing life's sweetest training for us. You haven't become stronger. There is no addition to your knowledge. That is the cost of being afraid to try. You lose the essence of being a human, which is to ERR.

Do it Today!
If you are planning to do something which you think is beneficial to you, just do it. Wait for no signs. Stop waiting for the perfect time because the perfect timing has come! It is today. Follow your heart. Be bold to do it and should you fail, remember you gain a great experience in life. Should you fail, remember you have become even wiser. You did not and will never lose.

Life is not all about succeeding anyways. Stop being too hard to yourself. You are a human and there is nothing to be ashamed of should you err. Follow your heart. Do it now, not later, because later becomes never.

8 Spectacular Lessons from the Poem Desiderata

personal development

It was in 2013, during our Speech Communication class, when I first encountered the wonderful work of Max Ehrmann called Desiderata. It is an English poem, though it's title is in Latin which literally means "desired things."  I personally believe this 8-stanza poem is the best eye-opener for everyone to see life in its brightest side. Each stanza is overflowing with hope, motivation and lessons. Each gives us pieces of advice to live in peace and in harmony. This poem impacted my life so much and I want to share the great lessons that we can learn from the poem.

#1 Be Compassionate
We love ourselves so much that sometimes we forget to show compassion to others. We always want to be heard but we don't want to listen. 
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story. 

#2 Overcome Insecurities
Loud and noisy people distract us from following our hearts. Stay away from them. Everyone of us has different talents and capabilities. Stop comparing yourself to others. Instead of dwelling on your inadequacies, enjoy your achievements in life.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 

#3 Be Passionate in Your Career
Being passionate exhibits the hunger for new knowledge and continuous learning. But you need to stay humble at the same time. Sometimes, the more passionate we become at work, the more we tend to be arrogant and we think we know every thing. 
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism. 

#4 Be Genuine
Don't pretend to be somebody you are not. Be yourself. In this world full of pessimism and hatred, all we can do is to love one another. And as we start loving others, we will start experience the same love in return.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass. 

#5 We Learn as We Grow
In life, we'll encounter so many challenges. We'll fall so many times. We'll commit numerous mistakes. But it's important for us to realize that these make us even stronger.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself. 

#6 We are Capable of Everything
We are no mistakes. We may feel inferior but everything we are is God. Yes, everything! God constantly shows how much he loves you. He tells you everyday that you deserve to attain your goals in life. It's possible through Him.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 

#7 Keep a Peaceful Heart
We may have varying concepts and beliefs about God but whether you are a believer or not, it's important for us to think good thoughts and spread kindness to the world. Do the right things and let others do the same to you.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. 

#8 Life is Always Wonderful
The eighth stanza is the sweetest part of the poem and it summarizes everything about life. Whatever problems you are experiencing today, always remember, that is only temporary. Those failures will soon be a condiment that will give your success its flavor. It's still a wonderful life to live. You are blessed everyday.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy. 
How was it? Desiderata is such a wonderful poem isn't it? Comment your thoughts below and share your own interpretations!

5 Painless Ways to Kill Insecurity Permanently

personal development

Every person we encounter on the street, at work, or even on a social media, has his admirable characteristic that sometimes, we dream of having. To some, this serves as a tool for self-improvement however to some, this is a source of insecurity.

Same source, but different impacts in life. This has something to do with our mindset.

Why Insecurity Kills
Insecurity will bring us to nowhere. It only gives us stress, negativity, jealousy, dissatisfaction and hatred. Being an insecure person changes your perspective about yourself and your capabilities, and it drastically affects your performance. You are suspended in your fake reality that you are inferior and useless. You are being too hard, not just to yourself but to others as well.

Indeed, we need to kill insecurity before it kills us. So I wanna share with you some tips to overcome it and live a more satisfied and positive life.

#1. Celebrate small achievements 

Your boss praised you for a job well done and he recognized your skills. You got a high rating in your exam. You just finished a beautiful painting or artwork today. You learned something extraordinary. Celebrate it! Give yourself a treat or share it with your friends. Call and tell them, "HeyI achieved something awesome today. Let's have our dinner! It'll be my treat."

One of the root causes of insecurity is overlooking your achievements in life. Even though they are small, if you constantly recognize them every time, it will form a bigger chunk of satisfaction. Why feel insecure if your boss has recognized your abilities? Why feel insecure if you can produce a beautiful artwork. You got so many abilities. You are unlimited. You just have to spend a little while with yourself, and ponder what cuts you above the rest.

#2. Be thankful for what you have.
Every morning, write on your journal at least 3 things your thankful for. It only takes 5 minutes or less to write them and to enjoy the feeling of happiness and satisfaction in life. For variation, you can write the next day what are your strengths or maybe what makes you to stand out.

It's important you give yourself few minutes everyday to feel grateful for what you have. Writing will make a huge difference not just because you think while you write, but it's visual. You see it and you can review it every time you want. Whenever you're feeling small, inferior or useless, get your journal and go back to those days when you were grateful of what you have. Review those days how positive you were and how much confidence you had for yourself. That inferior person is not you. You are positive and capable. You're confident and you're always a beautiful person! Always remember that.

#3. Develop yourself and get rid the source of insecurity.
Insecurity is a mishandled admiration. Why are you insecure? It's because there is something that others have that you currently don't  have. Probably someone is sexier than you. Someone can do that, but you, as of now, cannot.

Get up and develop yourself. If you can't do something, learn how to do it. If you feel you're fat and you want to improve your body, go to the gym or enroll in a Zumba class. If you can't travel today like your friends because of your current financial status, find ways to earn more. Remember, every inadequacy you currently have is just temporary. You have the ability to fill in your inadequacies and don't ever let them define who you are and what will you become.

#4. Surround yourself with supportive people. 
Get rid of your toxic friends. Surround yourself with people who see the best in you. Surround yourself with people who recognize your strength and what you have. Surround yourself with people who clap and cheer for you for every milestone you achieve. It's important to hear these people, who are closest to your heart, saying that you are such a capable and a beautiful creation.

#5. Never let others define who "should" you be.
Every person is different. We have different childhood, experiences, and upbringing so it's inappropriate for us to rely completely on somebody to define who should we be. Just because he can paint beautifully and at the age of 20 he has had an art gallery, it doesn't mean you have to be exactly like him. Don't be too hard to yourself, switching focus and goals every time you see something different in your eyes.

Be the best version of yourself. Not a copycat. You can definitely be more awesome than them, because you are unlimited, and talented.

Dealing with your insecurities requires reprogramming of your mindset. It's important for you to realize that everything you are and everything you are not. Each of us has different talents, capabilities, and beauty, and at the same time, all of us have inadequacies and weaknesses. As what Mark Ehrmann's said in his poem called Desiderata:
"If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself."

We are created equal and the best thing we can do is to concentrate on our strength, develop it constantly and therefrom we realize the beauty of this life being perfectly imperfect.