The Secret: How to Attract Success (Part 1)

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It has been 3 years since I have seen the documentary called The Secret. It essentially talks about the law of attraction and how it can help us achieve success in different aspects of life. Yes, I am one of those people who were really astounded by that documentary. I was simply blown away. That very same day, my life and way of thinking changed.

Of course I'm still a work-in-process and there are times that I'm covered with fear but the good thing is because of The Secret I'm already conscious about it. I'm conscious how our fears and mindset eat our unlimited potential and how they affect our success.

So What is the Law of Attraction
The law of attraction simply states: what you think is what you become. It also says ask and you shall receive. This is truly a great reminder for everyone who settles to little dreams and goals in life. When we start thinking and aiming for little, we get little and often, even less!

Yes, many of us dream of having our own car. We dream of having a million dollar business. In short, we all want abundance in life. But we never think of it's possibility! Many of us literally just dream without taking any action. There are some points that I would like to emphasize. Why is the law of attraction not working to you. Let me ask you a couple of questions; you dream of abundance but:
     ►  you think it's quite unrealistic because of your current situation (resources, skills, etc)
     ►  you're taking actions but something went wrong, so you stop
     ►  someone tells you it's impossible then you think so too
     ►  you got many enemies
     ►  instead of trying to take actions, you want everything to be planned, to be certain and detailed.

These are what I think the 5 factors, why even though we dream big and we dream of abundance and success, nothing happens. Let's talk about each issue one by one.

Your Dream is Quite Unrealistic
Many people once dreamed of having their own properties, cars and financial abundance but all of a sudden, that POSSIBLE dream dies because they thought it's crazy! They thought it's quite unrealistic. How could they acquire properties if they literally have zero balance in their bank accounts? How would they achieve financial abundance if they currently have low-paying jobs?

To dream is to believe. We are the controllers of our lives and if we question ourselves about it's possibility, it surely is not gonna happen. You have to believe in your dreams, and the law of attraction tells us once we believe and we put our dreams into our system, everything will happen accordingly.

Get attached to your dreams. Think of it everyday and take actions. Rich people were not all born rich. Some of them came from underprivileged family. Some of them don't have a college degree. Many of them had no business connections. But they just believed in their CRAZY dreams and took actions. So whatever financial status you currently have, whether you're a college graduate or not, you can achieve whatever you want if you put faith and actions to it.

You have no excuses! These current inadequacies you have are IRRELEVANT to your success. Always remember that.

Successful people never question themselves.

They just believed and persevered to climb the ladder of success.

And now, they are our leaders. They are now serving millions of people. Jobs are served. Not only we benefit ourselves, but if we become successful, we become great contributors in our nation's economy.

So no matter how unrealistic your goals are, no matter how crazy they are, just continue to believe in yourself. Take actions and you'll succeed. As Steve Jobs said, the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

You're taking actions but something went wrong so you stop
Success is not about winning. The truth is, success only happens after failures, failures, failures failures and many failures. Failures may discourage us but the moment you are thinking to stop, always remember why you started.

As what Truman Capote said "Failure is a condiment that gives success its flavor." Truly nothing is sweeter that success after many failures. Your success speaks so much of your hardships, but despite everything, you stood up and continued your journey.

You failed but succeeded in the end. Imagine how many lives can be touched by your story. You can inspire other people to do the same.

Someone tells you it's impossible so you think so too.
Two points I'd like to emphasize. First, you need to avoid those who are not helping. Stay away from negative people because they are toxic in our dreams. They are highly dangerous. When you hear
any sort of discouragement from them or if they ridicule you because of your CRAZY dream, you have two choices: to believe in them and fail or to stay away from them and succeed.

Why listen to these people? Are they expert? Do they know exactly what you are thinking? They are even mediocre people because they couldn't appreciate BIG dreams. I tell you, those who mock big dreams are the poor. This is the kind of mindset that you would like to avoid.

Second point: know the people who are relevant to you. After expelling the toxic in your life, start connecting with the right people. These people are the ones who motivate and encourage you to continue your road towards your dreams. Start deepening your relationship with your growth friends. It's true that no man is an island. We need someone who can help us. We need a support system.

Continue to Next Part

Josh Diaz is the founder of Project Positive. He passionately writes blogs and hosts podcasts about personal development. Aside from being a blogger, he is also fond of postcards. He'll more than happy to trade a piece of advice for a piece of postcard.